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saloon and open cars have different abilities : the first protect the passengers from outside noise and climate for a smooth ride, while the other are sportier but physically more demanding / it is though an interesting challenge to create a car mixing both personalities in order to fulfill every desires of its owner

advertisement for the coachbuilder valéry / 1912 rolls-royce phantom 1 transformable by gallé / 1926 bmw z07 without hard-top / 1997 bmw z07 with hard-top / 1997

the easiest solution is a modular car with manually removable elements, which can be adapted according to circumstances / so-called "transformable" saloons were quite trendy during the roaring twenties : removable roof, pillars and window frames could transform luxurious limousines into genuine phaetons / from the early sixties a hardtop could be fitted on many convertibles to improve isolation and comfort during winter time / anyway, this kind of modularity is perfectible : most of the times at least two people are required to handle the removable elements, and the owner has to find a secure place to store these elements / last but not least, once the car is on the road, it is impossible to change its configuration apart from going back home to put the elements back

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valéry photo : automobiles classiques / issue 79 / december 1996-january 1997
rolls-royce photo : automobiles classiques / issue 70 / october-november 1995
bmw photos : bmw

last updated 13/01/2002